Concept2 Universal Smart Phone Cradle


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For use with a PM5, PM4 or PM3, the Smartphone Cradle slides onto the top of the PM to provide a place to set your mobile device while using the indoor rower, SkiErg or BikeErg.

Use the Smartphone Cradle to make it easy to view your favourite entertainment or workout apps, including our own ErgData. There are also a number of apps that have been developed by other companies for use with the Concept2 PM that provide additional features and functions to enhance your workout.

The cradle will accommodate smartphones of various lengths. The adjustable arm can hold phones as narrow as 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) in width and can stretch open to 3.5 inches (8.9 cm) in width (for reference, this is large enough to accommodate an iPhone 7+ with or without a case).

If you’re a PM3 or PM4 user, consider a connection kit for either iPhone or Android instead, which also contains the cable you will need for connecting your device to the Performance Monitor for using software such as ErgData.

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Weight 1.0000 kg




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