REBEL Sand Bags


The Rebel Sand Bags are designed to be taken through their paces. They are excellent for throwing, carrying, lifting and dragging workouts. The displacement of the center-mass makes it tougher to handle, thereby increasing workout capacity and effectiveness. Our Sand bag is a rugged and Functional Fitness tested product, exceptionally manufactured and it is second to none. The Sand Bag has 8 different weight increments (5Kg, 10Kg, 15Kg, 20Kg, 25Kg, 30Kg, 35Kg, 40Kg) capacity.

FloatOr as low as R119.84 / month interest-free, using your existing credit card. For orders over R20,000.00.How it works

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Weight N/A

REBEL Elite Fitness

Selling Unit


Bag Weight

5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg